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The Container: Holding Space and Weaving Worlds
Digital Space

The Container:  Holding Space and Weaving Worlds


  • Cross-Community Digital Event Space (Coordination)

  • The Container: A Holding Place for Holding Space.  (Membrane for Wellbeing and Welldoing)

  • The Weave: Psycho Tech · Social Process Tech · Digital Tech · Cultural Co-Evolutionary Process (Cultural DNA and the Interstitium of the Cultural Soma)


  • Organizational Ecosystem Cultivation - cultural curation, coordinating communities, holding container, building and maintaining high trust relationships

  • Learning Community - showcases various people, projects, and communities building out the societal technologies and invites participants to practice with and apply the technologies together

  • Community of Practice - invites participants to join in an ecology of collaborative practice oriented toward intrapersonal and interpersonal communication

  • Communication: Sharing Video Zooms/Podcast Communication of sessions on mainstream platforms


  • Uses consistent format to clearly articulate complex technologies, making them accessible to a wider audience. (e.g. see Upgrading Society Podcast communications framework and Wired 5 Levels of Difficulty ).

  • Invites participants to learn about the technologies at various levels of complexity and then use the novel tech, ask questions, and offer feedback.

  • Collects content on a platform portal, like a youtube channel or podcast for asynchronous information dissemination.

  • Right Orientation: situates each technology in its proper relational context with a loose and descriptive ontology for coordinating and cultivating cohesion within emergent culture.

  • Offers a participatory component that includes the intrapersonal dimension. (e.g. see The Stoa and Meditating with Vervanke community of practice model or even Real Life Programs and potentially apps like Positive Intelligence )

  • Offers a participatory component that includes the interpersonal  dimension. (e.g. see Collective Presencing , Prosocial World , Authentic Relating , World Cafe , Emergent Dialogue facilitated community of practice models or even potentially apps like Warm Space )

  • Communicates specifics about what has been mapped – projects, people, and relationships. This content can function as a model for sharing a multidimensional view of the CTA space (e.g. see holochain “ Ecosystem Sessions ” communication model David Atkinson.)

Theory of Co-Evolutionary Emergence

Four areas of exploration, inquiry, practice, and co-evolutionary development for coordination (informed by a four quadrant model ):

  1. Psycho Technologies can be categorized as subjective processes that develop internal human capacity ( examples include mindfulness, yoga, meditation, sensory deprivation, psychoactive compounds, neurofeedback, etc).

  2. Social Process Technologies can be categorized as an intersubjective process that determine how groups come together and take action (examples include delegative democracy, Bohmian dialogue, liberating structures, Sociocracy, etc)

  3. Social Technologies can be categorized as interobjective networks of information technology that use digital resources in order to influence social processes (examples include the internet, social networking platforms, social media, IOT, Govtech).

  4. Emergent Technologies can be categorized as complex interdependent meshworks of psychotechnology, social process technology, and social technology (examples include cultural tech, societal tech, wisdom tech, hyperstructures, etc.)

The above model is something I have uniquely developed with intent to communicate complex collaborative process and societal technology stacks. A significant portion of my work with The Container has been dedicated to surveying and mapping a set of resources, methodologies, modalities, tools, frameworks, communities, and technologies for application and implementation with regard to orienting attention, dialogical group process , data visualization, participatory culture , open source learning , and civic technology / gov tech informed by cultural evolutionary theory and digital memetic theory .

I’ve created this cultural framework and online curriculum outline from applied studies in the following areas:

  • Wisdom Sciences - Psychology & Cognitive Science

  • Social Psychology & Knowledge Management

  • Information and Communication Sciences

  • Organizational and Management Sciences

  • Educational Theory

Considerations and Clarification

The Container is not trying to reinvent the wheel within its own enclosure, but instead function as a relational network to coordinate communities already doing good work. One asset of this project is the existing mapping of communities and technologies that I have done that has synthesis with The Collaborative Technology Alliance. Additionally, personal relationships with the stewards of these communities exist and may be further developed if it is in service to the goals of the CTA.

For example, imagine a cross community event that coordinates The Stoa with the CTA, whereby the CTA engages in wisdom practices while The Stoa learns about Prosocial technologies or uses a decision making or sensemaking app. This is intended to push the boundaries and capacities of both communities and potentially build trusting relationships across relational fields and network clusters.

Other potential community network cross-pollination examples include: The Human Data Commons, ParTeck (Participatory Technology), Liminal Dao, The Stoa (Peter Limberg), The Liminal Web (e.g. Maple (Daniel Thorson), Awakening From the Meaning Crisis Community (John Vervaeke), Regenerative Communities, Web 3, Authentic Relating and Circling Communities, Kernel Community, Mutations Salon, Emergent Commons, Game B, Integral Communities, Denizen (Jenny Steffanoti), and many more.

The Container is open to exploring various legal models for structuring, resourcing and agreements (e.g collaborative, consortium, cooperative, partnership network, DAOs, etc.)

Intended Outcomes

  • It may be able to function as an audio-visual media-centered participatory and educational knowledge base for the CTA and overlapping communities

  • Episodes and sessions may function as a cultural pattern repository for the field

  • Sessions may be able to enable participants to:

    • meet and build trusting relationships with new and adjacent communities who hold shared values and missions

    • enable CTA participants to expand their capacity for wise discernment and deepen their embodiment practice

    • offer CTA developers space to share their projects, users to experience and offer feedback (e.g. needs/feature use cases, ui/ux, light testing QA) on their platforms, and potential future community adoption

    • offer non technical participants access and understanding about new, unfamiliar, and/or novel technologies, potentially with onboarding support

    • offer coordination, access and transparency across communities of mutuality

    • attract the attention of others for consistent and steady growth, continued funding and mainstream support from


Primary Proposal Contributor: Turquoise Sound 

Team Composition: Currently Open; Funding Contingent Commitment  (List of potential team members includes: Turquoise Sound, Laure X Cast, Jared Lucas, Adam Wright, Dounia Saeme, Kim Willis, Naryan Wong, Tibet Sprague, Keala z Young, Day Waterbury, and others?

Email Address 


Select your name from the list of CTA Membership

Turquoise Sound

Have all project team members signed the CTA pledge? * 


Project Name  *

The Container

Project Area * What project area does this proposal align with? Feel free to select more than one.  

Social interoperability 


Project Summary * 

  • Problem being addressed: Coordination, Communication, Funding

  • Who the problem is being solved for: Ecosystem

  • Proposed Solution: See Above

Feel free to add links to websites, documents, and other relevant information as applicable. 


Donations: http://FutureCulture.Fund


How does this project align with CTA principles? 

  • Wellbeing is relational. This intends to intimacy across the vectors of trust and transparency.

  • Co-creation this project intends to be an emergent collaboration whereby the whole community can participate.

  • Agency is supported through developmental process of being, doing, and becoming (e.g. learning, growing, practicing, and , 

  • Justice, 

  • Openness is fostered by brave, courage, and safe-enough spaces that lean into open-mindedness, imagination, creativity and insight. Communities of practice may facilitate play to encourage these shared experiences of belonging.

  • Emergence is built into the framework of the offering and is open to shift, change, develop, and co-evolve with others in and around the space.

What is the long-term and short-term desired outcome?  *

  • It may be able to function as an audio-visual media-centered participatory and educational knowledge base for the CTA and overlapping communities

  • Episodes and sessions may function as a cultural pattern repository for the field

  • Sessions may be able to enable participants to:

    • meet and build trusting relationships with new and adjacent communities who hold shared values and missions

    • enable CTA participants to expand their capacity for wise discernment and deepen their embodiment practice

    • offer CTA developers space to share their projects, users to experience and offer feedback on their platforms

    • offer non technical participants access and new, unfamiliar, and/or novel technologies, potentially with onboarding support

    • offer coordination, access and transparency across communities of mutuality

    • attract the attention of others for consistent and steady growth, continued funding and mainstream support from

What are the key milestones to accomplish in a 3-6 month period? *

  • Build relationship with team, find our synergistic puzzle pieces, see in what ways we can move forward together

  • Attend the Social Cohesion event with Tibet, Laure, and anyone else.

  • Consider strategy and deliverables.

  • Potential Test Case: Invite Emerge Bay Area and Emerge Toronto participants to engage with CTA in context.

  • Create a funding dependent number of events, sessions, and content.

  • Present, share or feature this project at future local and global events (ex. Emerge Toronto, Emerge Bay Area, etc.)

What team and funding requirements are needed to accomplish milestones?  *

I would offer that there may be potential synergy between the following people: Douma Saeme, Laure X Cast, Kim Willis, Jared Lucas, and myself (open to others and changes). Between the six listed above, I believe we have the skills for the following (some of which we may have already scaffolded and built out):

  • Technology (e.g. website creation, business infrastructure)

  • Coordination Communications Across Groups/Communities

  • Operations & Digital Event Planning

  • Hosting, Facilitation, Presentation

  • Production/Content Creation

  • Marketing Brand Strategy

  • Other

Because this potentially bundles at least 3 proposals (or more) and would be oriented towards promotion, resourcing, and funding other project proposals, I would suggest between $15k - $30k depending on needs of other proposals.

This proposal could also be seen as two paired and highly coordinated teams/projects: (a) facilitated social process practice and (b) communications content generation as cultural artifacts for dissemination.


A fulltime team of 6 employees might cost roughly $30k USD a month at median salary in the United States. Team needs, time commitments, skill set, timeline, deliverables, and other factors are all yet to be determined. This is a decision that ought to be made by the team that organizes and coalesces around this potential. Additional considerations for other proposals will impact the budget and prioritization of deliverables such that the collective decision making governance process will likely define its own needs and budget.

Is this a proposal for an existing or new project? *

Both - I’ve been holding frame, strategy, relationships, and intention for this offering for at least 3 years, but it just seems as if this year may be the first opportunity for it to manifest in a physical way.

Existing New How does this proposal build on existing efforts in the collaborative tech space? 

It facilitates network weaving across what exists via organizational ecosystem cultivation, coordination, and relationship building. We will need and would like to use the mapping projects and potentially the resource libraries that exist or will be built.

Is there anything else you would like to include in this proposal that has not been asked already?

I love you. You're a beautiful human being and dear soul and I'm so grateful you exist.

Proposals Willing To Collaborate

Primary Potential Collaborators:

  • Fractals

  • Collaboration + Inclusion 

  • Ontological Commoning to Support Collaboration

  • Integral Interoperability Framework

Secondary Potential Collaborators/Helpful Tools:

  • WING

  • CTA Resource Library

  • Interoperable & Dynamic CTA Ecosystem Map

  • Seriously web app and plugin

Is there anything else you would like to include in this proposal that has not been asked already?

I love you. You're a beautiful human being and dearly beloved soul and I'm so grateful you exist.

Turquoise, Alis0r and 5 others are members
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Turquoise 9 mos ago

Just got this up and in here in proper format. Sorry it took a minute. I’m getting a medical procedure done during our office hours tomorrow so I will miss some of the synthesis. Tagging potentially interested parties. 🤓 Dounia Saeme Day Waterbury Tibet Sprague Vincent arena A. Keala Young Kim Willis Bret Warshawsky Andrea Harding Jenn Baez Aaron Gabriel Jillian Hovey Ollie Bream McIntosh Richard Flyer Brandon Nørgaard @laure Simon Grant Madelynn Martiniere @michael grossman Roberto Valenti Aaron Brodeur sage gibbons Lynn Foster Marc-Antoine Parent Sybille Saint Girons @steve vitka Larry Reader Tibor Katelbach @jon Schull Alis0r Wendy M

Best wishes with the procedure. Thanks for the tag,

Tibet Sprague 9 mos ago

Beaming smooth 🧬 procedures to you!

Sometime, when our schedules align??!?! lol -- I'd love to hear about this 1-1 (collabathon timeline or not). I learn much better through listening and conversing than I do through reading... and it would be nice to get to know you better.

Tibet Sprague 9 mos ago

This is so cooool

Day Waterbury 9 mos ago

Love this, Turquoise . I think since this project seeks to synthesize several others (and then some), it would be good to participate in Synthesis session tomorrow (if you can; I saw you were a maybe):… . I'm going to try to be there (though the first hour is double-booked for me).

Turquoise 9 mos ago

Thanks Day! Yes the intention is to be there. I’m traveling and then having a medical procedure, so I will be in and out, but excited to contribute and see how this can synthesize!! 🫶🏽😍🙌🏽💗🙏🏽

Kim Willis 9 mos ago

this is such a great idea!

A. Keala Young 9 mos ago

Turquoise love seeing your take on synthesis and looking forward to more on that* all the best for your procedure and flow today!
There is another 2 hour Synthesis session planned for 2/16 from Noon-2pm Pacific -
And of course we are encouraging everyone to plan or coordinate in as many constellations and sessions around synthesizing proposals as needed to help land the next round on 2/21!

Alis0r 9 mos ago
  • Offers a participatory component that includes the interpersonal  dimension. (e.g. see Collective Presencing , Prosocial World , Authentic Relating , World Cafe , Emergent Dialogue facilitated community of practice models or even potentially apps like Warm Space )

    I would integrate Liberating Structures too:

    The website main page has a text in black that's not visible at all a pity :(

    Short-term desired outcomes I would add conflict management and resolution service among platforms builders, users, and groups running different platforms - what do you think? It's part of the trust-building process ---

    For funding what about ReFi, too?

Turquoise 9 mos ago

Thank you Alis0r Yes. Thank you so much for your suggestion. I'm most definitely open to this and any other protocols/process frameworks. I only listed a few because I have a repository of hundreds of these group practices, including liberating structures as a container pattern repo. Some are practices and some are processes or dialogic formats or container types. This is a long project puzzle pieces I've just been holding for a few years, so I'm personally looking at it as a life long learning model --whichever practice first emerges between communities as alive is where I'm open to moving. There is also a LS community with an app that we could engage with. My intention is not just to apply the practice or framework, but to engage with the community who stewards those cultural technologies and build relationship over time. :)

Regarding Conflict management, short answer -- yes, absolutely. This might dovetail nicely with your ReFi suggestion. There is a group I'm friendly with called Gravity DAO who were in a previous GitCoin funding round… and there's potential there as well. The ReFi space could certainly use these type of services and functions. I think early on, ReFi may complicate some of the process, but I love where you're going and am very much open to where ever a group may want to go -- if this proposal an project feels alive and important.

spirit 9 mos ago

Turquoise — echoing Alis0r ’s question — is the repository you have public? If not, are you hoping to make it public at some point? Also, I realize the purpose of such repository is moreso in the synthesizing of the concepts and material within rather than just having it as discrete database entries. But that is why I am curious about it. Access to such a repository can reduce the work others in this field have to do in their synthesis efforts as well…

Alis0r 9 mos ago

"I have a repository of hundreds of these group practices" - Fantastic - thanks for this - Would it be accessible to contribute to the list and maybe the reaching out process to create connections - if you are looking for stewards within the LS community I could make a connection with the trainers of the short course I had in the environment - if you want also some connections within the Italian community of HSPs - I am sure the ReFi space as other digital spaces within the Web3 framework, too. they would benefit tons from these kinds of processes to create collaboration - they are new and imagine inserting the collaborative or at least the non-competitive bit within the design at the roots of the building processes --- A dream with opened eyes :D

Laure 9 mos ago

I have a background project that has some overlap with this Turquoise - not exactly the same but I was going in a book direction, but also considered a podcast series alongside. (What I'm interested in are theories/relational practices/research from the perspective of self, relationships, community, and systems, framed around the question of 'who are we with each other?") I could see a cool intersection being podcasts/events interviewing/conversing with 'experts' in the various practices. Seems like this community and others we're in intersect quite a bit with those folks.

Turquoise , I have connected with you on LinkedIn so we can exchange about this work and how I might be able to contribute from my background developing quantum social learning as a language framework that can serve as a nucleus to integrate the many practices.

Charles Blass 3 mos ago
